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Please check your email and/or event listing for any cancellation notification, and check the weather before driving to the lake. Check local wind here.
Clinton Lake Sailing Association Spring Banquet
Sunday, April 6th, 2025. Doors open at 5:00, dinner at 6:00, followed by a brief season preview, updates on the move to our new site and collaborative discussion.
Lake of the Woods Pavilion 109 S. Lake of the Wood Rd, Mahomet, IL 61853 (At main entrance to park, follow signs to pavilion)
Food will be catered by Neil St Blues. Please choose an entree for each attendee. Sides include salad, red beans and rice, collard greens, potato salad, cornbread, and dessert.
NO BAR SERVICE: BRING YOUR OWN ALCOHOL. Soft drinks will be provided.
There will be a silent auction! Get a head start on your spring cleaning and bring sailing items to be auctioned off, with the proceeds going to CLSA.
We must vacate the building by 9:00 sharp, so we'll start winding down about 8:00.
CLSA is planning to have a Full Moon BBQ potluck.
The charcoal will be burning, just bring something to grill, a dish to share, and come ready to have fun.
We will have coolers filled with ice for anyone coming out to the lake earlier in the day.
After dinner, members are encouraged to enjoy a moonlight sail.
This learn to sail course includes 2 days of classroom and 4 days of on-the-water practice. The on-the-water training will be on Lasers and Sunfish which are single-person boats. Tuition for the classroom portion is FREE. Tuition is $195 for those who sign up for all 6 classroom and on-the-water sessions. Successful completion of this course will result in CLSA Certification, which allows members to sail the club small boats. Our course sessions will be held from 6:00-8:00 pm on Monday & Tuesday evenings over 3 weeks.
Class Schedule
Monday, June 9 (Classroom)
Tuesday, June 10 (Classroom)
Monday, June 16 Tuesday, June 17 Monday, June 23
Tuesday, June 24
NOTE: We are located in Central Illinois, not to be confused with Clinton Lake in Kansas!
To: Education Classes Volunteers
If you would like to receive Education Classes event invites and reminders (or opt out), update your group participation within your member profile in Wild Apricot.
RSVP yes or no from announcement emails to stop receiving further announcements emails for this event.
If you would like to receive Education Classes group event invites and reminders (or opt out), update your group participation within your member profile in Wild Apricot.
Please register as a volunteer and identify how you would like to assist.
Help is needed for the morning session, afternoon session or both. We will provide a lunch and snacks for participants and volunteers.
Set up for class will begin at 8:30. We should be finished putting away boats after the afternoon session by 4:30.
RSVP yes/no from within announcement email and you will not receive addition announcement emails for this specific event.
This class is designed to encourage and promote sailing activities the whole family can enjoy. You and your child will learn the basics of sailing and gain confidence on the water while sailing pram dinghies, Sunfish or Lasers. Our program will be family orientated for parent and child participants. The class will briefly cover sailing concepts followed by on the water experiences. Classes in each session will be very hands on driven. Each class participant will sail their own vessel. Children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Adults may sign up more than one child.
Tuition for this class is $50 for both the parent and child to attend. Parents can sign up for either the morning or afternoon session. The morning session starts at 9am and the afternoon session starts at 1pm. Lunch for both sessions will be at noon.
Monday, July 14 (Classroom)
Tuesday, July 15 (Classroom)
Monday, July 21 Tuesday, July 22 Monday, July 28
Tuesday, July 29
This learn to sail course includes 2 days of classroom and 4 days of on-the-water practice. The on-the-water training will be on Lasers and Sunfish which are single-person boats. Tuition for the classroom portion is FREE. Tuition is $195 for those who sign up for all 6 classroom and on-the-water sessions. Successful completion of this course will result in CLSA Small Boat Certification, which allows members to sail the club small boats. Our course sessions will be held from 6:00-8:00 pm on Monday & Tuesday evenings over 3 weeks.
Help is needed for the morning, afternoon session or both. We will provide a lunch and snacks for volunteers and participants at noon.
We will be conducting our Youth Sailing Camp in July. Depending upon the number of students enrolled, the morning will be for students between ages 8 -12. The afternoon will be for teenagers.
A barbecue lunch will be included for students and volunteers at noon. We hope that students from the parent child class and other CLSA young people will invite their friends to join them for a fun day of sailing at our lake.
Tuition for this class is $25 for each child to attend. Parents can sign their child up for either the morning or afternoon session. The morning session starts at 9am and the afternoon session starts at 1pm.
New in 2024, CLSA is planning to have a Full Moon BBQ potluck.
4:00pm - Cabin boats assemble at the dock
5:00pm - Dock walk begins. Cabin boat owners welcome guests on their boats to show off their rides. A great opportunity to see different boats and meet new people.
6:30pm - Dinner is served. Entree TBD + Please bring a side dish or a dessert item to share, if you can.
You may opt out of dinner (but if you do so, please register for the event so we know you're attending).
+ Alcohol will not be provided. Water, lemonade, and some other soft drinks will be provided
7:41 pm - Sunset. Cabin boaters decorate their boats with festive lights and invite friends for an evening sail off the dock and a parade of lights in the darkness (no moonlight). Many cities around the world celebrate their own version of Venetian Night, modeled off the the popular boat parades in Venice, Italy.
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