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Clinton Lake Sailing Association

Cabin Boat Dinner and Night Sail

  • Sat, July 08, 2023
  • 6:00 PM - 11:30 PM


Registration is closed

Meet at the CLSA Pavilion at 6:00

Sailing at night is a whole other experience, There are different sounds, steadier winds and the mysterious moodiness of being out on dark water. It’s fun following and passing other sailboats at night. It is also a great time to bring friends and family along. 

What better way to start that off than with a pot-luck dinner under the pavilion? A vegetarian chili will be provided to supplement your dishes. Bring your own drinks, and expect the grill to be available.

The moon won’t rise till after midnight. If we have a clear sky the stars will look terrific. 

For safety’s sake be sure all your running lights are working on your boat. Bring extra battery lights as a backup. The CLSA dock will be fitted with an extra light on the end, to aid in returning to the dock. 

Please Pre-register on the CLSA web site.

Johnny Robinson

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