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Clinton Lake Sailing Association

Social Event Registration

  • Sun, April 06, 2025 5:00 PM
    Lake of the Woods Pavilion, 109 S. Lake of the Woods Rd, Mahomet, IL 61853
  • Sat, June 07, 2025 5:00 PM
  • Sat, June 21, 2025 5:00 PM

At CLSA, socializing is almost as important as sailing!

To make sure that our members are having fun and making friendships, we offer a variety of different social events throughout the year!

Here are some examples of CLSA social events:

CLSA Happy Hour Series - After the holidays and before the start of the upcoming sailing, friends gather to discuss fun sailing topics.

The Valley Forge Forage - This late February hike lets us enjoy the lake from a different perspective. We meet at Clinton Lake State Recreation Area's Houseboat Cove hiking trail. The 2.5 mile hike takes about an hour. We enjoy the scenery, the wildlife, and each others company. Following the hike we gather at a nearby restaurant to warm up over food and conversation.

Spring Banquet - The spring banquet is a semi-annual meeting on the CLSA membership. We gather together to praise the passing of the ice, snow, slush, and darkness. Then, we'll listen to sailing presentations, feast with our endeared friends, and party with anticipation of the coming sailing season. We also have a Silent Auction to help raise funds for our yearly operating fund. So, while you're spring cleaning consider saving your unused sailing-related items for the auction to help benefit CLSA!

Moonlight Sails - Several evenings are scheduled throughout the summer months for a cookout followed by a near full-moon sailing experience. The cookout begins at 6PM and sailing follows as your spirit moves you. The lake is great by night. It's fun to watch satellites and stars.

Dock Walk - This is a chance to go to the marina's docks and check out the cabin boat fleet, as well as socialize. Many times we don't get a chance to see the other fine boats that make up our club. The participating cabin boats invite you onboard to check out their boats. Participants bring finger foods and drinks to share as we move from boat to boat.

Venetian Night - One of the most fun and beautiful evenings at CLSA, members decorate their boats with lights and fanciful themes. It's a beautiful sight! We'll have a great dinner at the CLSA pavilion and as the sun begins to set, we'll take the decorated boats on an evening sail.

Fall Banquet - The fall banquet is a semi-annual meeting on the CLSA membership. We will feast and remember the past year. The highlight of the evening is recognizing our membership's achievements with trophies for racing, sportsmanship, service, and folly. We'll also conduct the changing of the flags ceremony where the new Board of Directors and officers will be sworn in.

Edmund Fitzgerald Memorial - On November 9, 1975 the SS Edmund Fitzgerald became the largest ship to sink on North America's Great Lakes. In her tenure, she served hauling Iron ore from Minnesota to Detroit and Toledo. While her loss is still debated to this day we recognize this anniversary with the ringing of a brass bell and reading of the names of the 29 men lost at sea that evening.

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