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Clinton Lake Sailing Association

Free Race Committee Training

Mon, April 10, 2023 5:14 PM | Anonymous member

CLSA racer and Fleet 135 coach Eric Bussell will be leading a 90-minute Sailboat Racing for Beginners clinic on Tuesday April 18th at 6pm at the Commodore Decatur Yacht Club Pavilion. This clinic will include a hands-on demonstration of signal flags and horns. We'll also be reviewing starting basics, basic race course management and setup best practices, and more. If you are new to sailboat racing or have an interest in serving on the race committee at CLSA, this clinic is for you. Free hot dogs will be provided. Please bring your own beverages. This clinic is part of a free education series that will include on-the-water race committee training. Click here to register and visit and check back regularly as we plan to add more clinics throughout the 2023 sailing season. If you have any questions, please contact Eric Bussell at  

Watch Eric's 10 Basic Rules in 4 min


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