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Clinton Lake Sailing Association

Ways for CLSA members to get involved!

Wed, September 28, 2022 3:24 PM | Anonymous member

CLSA members:

Please visit our website at and check out the information under our new tab "GET INVOLVED" on our homepage. You will find opportunities to volunteer and share your talents or skills with CLSA for ongoing projects that make our club better.

Contact if you'd like to help with a project or committee described below.

Current Projects

Rigging area drainage: to address ongoing pooling of water.

Shoreline committee: to help oversee and provide input as to how to best manage our shoreline by preserving and preventing erosion while maintaining its beauty.

Signage for our docks and shoreline: contribute toward designing our signage at each end of dock and along shoreline to communicate and represent our club to visitors.

Master plan committee: to determine what our club goals are and how we will achieve them over the next five years.

Insurance committee: help our membership determine how to manage our insurance responsibilities.

Dredging committeeOur cove was last dredged in 2011 and is long overdue for another as our cove gets more shallow.

Volunteers are still needed for our Glow regatta this weekend, Oct. 1-2. Also, our fall banquet is Nov. 13, and our board of directors is seeking people interested in leadership roles as vice commodore, social chair, membership chair, race committee chair and publicity chair. If you are interested or would like to nominate someone, please contact us today!

Fair winds,

Commodore Paul

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