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Clinton Lake Sailing Association

Seeking race committee volunteers for June races

Tue, May 31, 2022 1:35 PM | Anonymous member

We have 4 races coming up in June for which we still have opportunities to serve on the race committee. It's fun and easy, and we'll make sure you have what you need and are paired with someone experienced. If there's a race you don't plan to sail in, please consider joining the race committee for that race.

Sign up soon and choose which weekend this year you do your race committee shift.

These are the June dates, with open positions listed. There are still open shifts for later this season too, so get in touch!

  • 6/5Thistle Club Racing (3 open positions)
    - 2 boat operators and 1 deck hand

  • 6/12Thistle Club Racing (4 open positions)
    - 2 boat operators
    - 2 deck hands
    - 1 PRO (a boat operator or deck hand can be the PRO)
  • 6/18Flying Scot Club Racing (3 open positions)
    - 1 boat operator
    - 2 deck hands
    - 1 PRO (a boat operator or deck hand can be the PRO)

  • 6/25 - 6/26Thistle Hike Out Regatta (6 open positions)
    - 3 boat operators
    - 3 deck hands
    - 1 PRO (a boat operator or deck hand can be the PRO)


Charles Suggs, CLSA Race Committee Chair

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