After reading this article, please take a few minutes to log in to Wild Apricot to update your group participation and subscribe to group forums. We may have added new groups and forums since you last updated your profile.
Your group participation settings control, for the most part, which emails you receive from CLSA. If you subscribe to a group, you will receive event invites to sailing, education, and volunteer opportunities. Subscribing to a group also allows you to post and reply to topics in group-specific forums.
If you subscribe to a forum, you will receive notifications when someone posts or replies to any topic in that forum. You can further update your communication preference for that forum to receive notifications immediately or in digest form daily or weekly. You may also subscribe to any individual topic in any forum and select your notification preferences for that particular topic.
If you do nothing, we still have you covered. Our club communication director will send periodic summary emails to all members that highlight upcoming events, announcements, forum activity, and classifieds activity. We will also send invites to all members for banquets and major social events. Our calendar is always accessible on our website with convenient signup links.
Wild Apricot is a powerful tool that allows members more control over your email inbox preferences. This is a new system, so we’re going overboard to get everyone on board. Spending a few minutes to get oriented will help ensure you receive communications that are relevant to you.
Communication Groups
CLSA Open Forum
Cabin Boat Crewing and Connection and Trips Forum
Cabin Boat Activities at Clinton Lake Forum
Cabin Boat General Forum
Cabin Boat Maintenance Forum
Flying Scot Forum
Laser & Sunfish Forum
Thistle Forum
Windsurf and Kiteboard Forum
Update Profile
To log in to Wild Apricot and access your profile, click on the avatar icon in the upper right hand side of the homepage at CLSASailing.Org.
After you are logged in, click on View profile.
After clicking on View Profile, click the Edit Profile button.
After click on edit profile, add an avatar (picture) and select the groups you want to join.
Don’t forget to click save.
Subscribe to a Forum
To access a forum, visit the Forum page to access the CLSA Open Forum or visit the Fleet & Groups page/subpages to find fleet and group-specific forums embedded in those fleet/group pages.
To subscribe to a forum, simply click ‘Subscribe to forum’ within the forum.
When you subscribe to a forum, you will receive a daily digest email whenever someone posts/replies to a topic. You can confirm your subscriptions by looking at your profile. If you would like to receive weekly digest emails or get immediate notifications, you can edit your profile by clicking on the edit profile button within your profile and selecting ‘email subscriptions’.
Please contact Membership Chair Eric Bussell if you would need assistance with anything relating to our Wild Apricot membership software. Click here for a complete guide on how to use Wild Apricot.