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Clinton Lake Sailing Association

Join us Saturday for a Venetian Night Celebration!

Wed, July 28, 2021 1:54 PM | Anonymous member

Join us for a Venetian Night celebration on Saturday, Aug. 21! We've got something for almost everyone and a full day of fun activities planned.  


Noon - Competitors Meeting

1 p.m. - Mixed Fleet Racing (around the buoys) with special guest Principal Race Officer Geoff Endris.   

4 p.m. - Cabin boats will assemble on the dock after the racers have returned to the dock.  

5 p.m. - Dock walk begins. Cabin boat owners welcome guests on their boats to show off their rides. A great opportunity to see different boats and meet new people.   

6:30 p.m. - Dinner is served. We'll be serving up rolled Italian flank steak, roasted potatoes, corn on the cob and caprese salad for $15. Members are welcome to bring a dessert to share. Sign up here through Wednesday the 18th so we can place our food order. 

7:44 p.m. - Sunset. Cabin boats have historically decorated their boats with festive lights, invited sailors for a sunset sail and returned to the dock under the light of a full moon.   

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