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Clinton Lake Sailing Association

Stay connected by subscribing to forums in Wild Apricot

Fri, July 09, 2021 12:41 PM | Anonymous member

We hope all members will take 5-10 minutes and update their profiles, update their group preferences, subscribe to forums and upload an avatar.   Wild Apricot is a great because it puts members in complete control of their privacy and communication preferences.  Wild Apricot forums work well, but require members to opt in by subscribing to each forum.  For those who don't opt in, we will share forum posts on our weekly email to members so you don't miss our on member conversations in the forums.  Subscribing to forums is optional, but you will want to subscribe to forums if you want timely notifications whenever a new topic or response is added.  

Wild Apricot Quickstart Guide

Important Reminder: Even though all family members receive club communications, each family membership only has one shared login. The Wild Apricot login is the email address of the primary contact.  

Login to Wild Apricot. Click on the blue avatar on the upper right of the CLSASailing.Org homepage. Once you are logged in, you can update your profile, see member-only content on the web page and sign up for member-only events. Use the Forgot Password to retrieve your password.  

Members must sign in to view member-only content at CLSASailing.Org and to access the features below:


Member Directory. Your email and personal contact information is not shared with club members by default. Members may still contact other members through the system. If you are comfortable with sharing your contact information with other members, feel free to update your privacy settings.  

Group Participation. Our groups include Cabin Boats, Kiteboarders, Flying Scots, Thistles and Windsurfers. Fleet captains may send special invites and group communications through Wild Apricot to those who have signed up for that group. You can add or remove yourself from a group at any time by updating your profile. 

Volunteer. Members can sign up to volunteer for an activity by clicking the ‘REGISTER’ button for that event or activity.   

Event Signups. Members can conveniently sign up and pay for events. Prepayment is required and registration will be cancelled if payment is not received within 15 minutes.   When signing up for a family member or guests, you can register multiple times or select the guest option.   

Forums. You must subscribe to each forum individually if you want timely email notifications when someone posts or responds to a forum. We have a general forum where member can post a topic and members can respond.   Each fleet/group also has a forum on their fleet page for topics specific to that group.     

Avatar. We bring in many new members every season and it would be nice if people could put a face with a name. It only takes a few minutes to upload a picture. Please upload a picture while you are thinking about it. When a member posts to a forum, it shows their avatar so people can see who they are talking to. 

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