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Clinton Lake Sailing Association

Update your group participation in Wild Apricot

Tue, July 06, 2021 6:33 PM | Anonymous member

Membership: 151 memberships as of July 5

Group Participation Represented by Memberships:

Flying Scot -- 61

Thistle -- 33

Cabin Boat -- 32

Lasers/Small Boats -- 27

Windsurfers -- 10

Kiteboarders -- 6

You can update Group Participation preferences in your member profile within Wild Apricot. The club sends out a weekly digest email with announcements and upcoming events. Joining will enable you to receive fleet-specific invites and other fleet-specific communication from the Fleet Captain or group leader.    

Fleet Captains: 

Cabin Boat -- Craig Rost,

Flying Scot -- Rod Bussell,

Kiteboarders -- none

Laser/Small Boat -- Max Christie,

Thistle -- Gerry Christman,

Windsurfers -- none

Education Coordinators:

Small Boat Intro Class, Youth Classes -- Gerry Christman

Lessons, Intermediate Sailing Class, Winter Classroom Series -- Eric Bussell

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