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Clinton Lake Sailing Association

National Boating Safety Week is May 22-28

Sun, May 16, 2021 5:27 PM | Anonymous member
Clinton Lake Sailing Association is proud to host CLSA Open House/Mid Illini Sail and Power Squadron Ready, Set, Wear It event to help promote National Safe Boating Week, May 22-28, which is the official launch of the 2021 Safe Boating Campaign. This yearlong campaign promotes the value of voluntary, consistent life jacket use by recreational boaters.

Did you know?  

79% of boating deaths are due to drowning.

86% of victims not wearing a life jacket.

2/3 of drowning victims are good swimmers. 

National Boating Safety Week is a program of the National Boating Safety Council.  

Life Jacket Facts

Most boaters know they’re required to have a U.S. Coast Guard-approved wearable life jacket on board for every person on their boat. Boating safety advocates recommend that all boaters and passengers not only have a life jacket but wear it at all times while boating. Accidents on the water can happen much too fast to reach for and put on a stowed life jacket. Drowning is the reported cause of death in 79% of all boating fatalities – and 86% of drowning victims in recreational boating accidents in 2019 were not wearing a life jacket. The good news is that today’s life jackets are much more comfortable, lightweight and stylish than the bulky orange style most boaters know. Life jackets that use inflatable technologies are cool and comfortable. They may resemble a pair of suspenders or a belt pack. Many inflate automatically when immersed in water.

CLSA Open House/Mid Illini Sail and Power Squadron Ready, Set, Wear It event on Saturday, May 22

Noon: Potluck; Mid Illini will provide brats, buns, condiments and table service

1 p.m.: Ready, Set, Wear It photo celebrating Boating Safety Week

1:30-3:00 p.m.: Boat rides for interested sailors (dependent on weather and boat availability)

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