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Clinton Lake Sailing Association

CLSA Open House is May 22

Fri, May 14, 2021 8:09 PM | Anonymous member

The CLSA Open House is May 22 from noon to 3 p.m. Friends and family welcome!

Come out to the club on Saturday for free brats and free sailboat rides! We hope you'll join us for a fun afternoon of food, friends and sailing. This is a great opportunity for our new members to meet other members of the club. It's also a great opportunity to ask questions about different types of boats, as we'll have enthusiasts available who can answer questions about small boats, Flying Scots, Thistles, cabin boats, kiteboards, windsurfers and more. Please bring family members, friends and co-workers and help introduce more prospective sailors to our amazing community. 

Noon: Potluck; Mid Illini Sail & Power Squadron will provide brats, buns, condiments and table service

1 p.m.: Ready, Set, Wear It photo celebrating Boating Safety Week

1:30-3 p.m.: Boat rides for interested sailors (dependent on weather and boat availability)

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